How to Stop Gambling Poker

Gambling poker is an addictive activity that can lead to serious financial challenges if left untreated, but the good news is it is possible to stop and regain control of your life if you take the necessary steps. To start with, identify warning signs and high-risk situations that trigger gambling urges such as trips to Las Vegas, poker nights with friends or sports betting websites/apps; staying clear from these triggers is essential in beating gambling addiction and preventing relapse.

Replace gambling habits with equally stimulating activities to reduce stress and depression associated with gambling issues, such as renewing old hobbies or discovering new ones. You could try mindfulness techniques like deep breathing, meditation and yoga as ways of relaxing and refocusing your thoughts. Socialising can also be helpful; spending time with family and friends may reduce feelings of isolation associated with gambling issues.

If you know someone with a gambling issue, the best approach is to have an open discussion about it with them. Avoid condemning their behaviour directly as this may only serve to make matters worse; instead reassure them of your concern and provide information on how they can change their gambling habits without harming themselves.

Holding open communication lines with someone struggling with gambling addiction is key in supporting them to quit, yet you should also remember that some family or friends may prefer not discussing it directly with you; in such instances, respect their wishes and seek professional counselling, advice, or support to explore your options.

An integral component of helping someone understand how their gambling affects others can be challenging as gamblers typically believe their actions only negatively impact themselves. By changing this perception you can help show them how their actions have an adverse effect on those closest to them and are having negative repercussions for all parties involved.

Help them set up budgets and direct debits that limit access to money for a set period, for example until bills have been paid and enough funds remain for food and other essentials. This may provide them with new perspectives on their gambling habit and help them break it permanently.

Finally, you should encourage them to seek therapeutic and financial counselling. There are various options available – speak to a counsellor to learn more. Alternatively, Gambler’s Help together offers free confidential help and advice relating to addictions related to gambling, other substances or mental health. It provides help and advice for individuals, families and professionals from most states and territories, plus can provide information about local services; all for free with over 50 years experience!